Friday, January 31, 2014

A Meta Note

So on a meta level, I have found something very interesting about writing this blog that is... unexpected to say the least.

If you have been reading my blog thus far, you may have noticed that as a pretentious lit major, I have a tendency to... ramble, digress, philosophize, expound, and generally go off on random tangents about whatever I was thinking too much about on the day I wrote my post. If you haven't noticed this tendency, then... yeah, I don't know what to say. I do this all the time.

I've done this since my first post. Well, maybe my second, but it's definitely been a trend. But that's not surprising, I do that all the time in real life. What's surprising is you, my reader's, reactions.

Because here is how I sort of anticipated those digressions to go over:

But strangely, it's turned out more like this:


So I've found that kind of odd, if very kind of you all. And I guess I just wanted to mention this, since I've noticed it and been so surprised by it, and thank you all for listening to my crazy ramblings. I've had a great time writing this blog, and am quite surprising myself with actually keeping up with it for so long, so hopefully I will have the persistence to continue, and fill the next 6 months with lots of funny stories, hopefully no more illnesses, cool photos, and meditations on life, the universe, and everything on this space. 

And then when I get back I can read it. 

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