Hallo everyone! I'm terribly sorry for having been such an inconsistent blogger recently. Being in the Fallas bubble tends to make one forget homework, so I've been kind of been crazy trying to do all of that this week. But I've got a good free weekend, so I'm going to do some hard core updates this weekend.
Starting with this one.
So this isn't actually about what happened to me, this is just pictures from the last couple nights of Fallas.
And on my way to the Street lights, I wound up watching the Fallera Mayor and her court process out of city hall, so that was cool.
Not over these lights
The completed Falla.
These are just so impressive to me
I don't even have anything to say. This was just beyond cool.
They finished this one, and I was impressed.
Waiting for the big night of fireworks.
This is a poor picture of a fantastic experience.
The back of my homegirl, the Virgin of the Forsaken when all the flowers had been placed. Also, the cathedral in the background.
The municipal falla by day.
This is where the mascletà happened
The crowd outside city hall after the last mascletÃ
The big city officials, and the fallera mayor, and her court after the mascletÃ
Me in my fallero bandana in front of the municipal falla.
The parade rout for the parade of fire
The initial dancers
This is where it gets crazy
and ever so slightly creepy
But the falleras are pretty.
I think this picture is really cool. In a kind of horror movie way.
That may be the fallera mayor.
And this is what the actual fire part of the parade looked like when it was coming down the street.
except, you could see the individual sparks much more clearly in real life,
I honestly don't even know how to capture these.
I mean, do you see why this would be illegal in the US?
Yeah, he's got flames coming out of his stilts
and his stilts are much higher
Honestly, this was possibly the most insane thing I've ever witnessed in my life
Little dragon.
there were also sometimes these sparker things they would just put down in the street.
But, wait, there's more!
I know that looks like a giant fireball, but I'm pretty sure it is mostly not.
Oh, no, it's just the fire throwing people
It's aliiiiiiiiivvvvveeeeee!!!!!
This was a picture I think I risked my camera to take.
wait for it
wait for it
The most important part of the parade
my turn!
nice police making sure we don't all die
I'm not actually sure how I got my hand far enough from my face to take this picture. It was VERY VERY crowded
But the parade was continuing in the plaza
There was a lot of fire, and a lot of sparks.
And then they set off the fireworks.
This is one of my favorite fallas. It was in the Plaza de la Reina.
And here's the beautiful Virgin from the front.
It is very impressive.
I alos liked this falla. She was sassy.
One of my last glimpses of the falla in the Plaza of the Market, which is closest to me.
The winning falla.
This. This is what the children's fallas looked like at
They were supposed to burn at 10.
There was a lot of smoke that night
and random little bonfires
This is what the city looked like after they burned the children's fallas.
final selfies
I really want to know why the firemen are the ones being the camera crew.
so I was kind of stuck behind a van.
But I still got to see the show
And after the fireworks, the falla burned
I honestly don't even know what to say.
"Falla" comes from the Latin word for "torch" and I see why.
That is one of the coolest pictures I have ever taken. I love the moon and the sparks. It was... it gave me chills.
That light fixture isn't actually on fire. But it was so weird, you could FEEL the heat from the falla as it burned, but then once it died down, the heat all dissipated so quickly.
And when I got back from that burning, this was all that was left of the falla with the woman holding the color wheel.
And this was the town the next morning.
Flipping amazing. I absolutely have to go